Darkwing Duck

New avatar starring “Double-O Duck” that is Darkwing Duck, the main character
of the spin-off of the Ducktales series.

Other minor tweaks:

– redone the coloring of the inner coat of Paperinik and redone the bust
– retouched the mouth and the shape of She-Ra’s face

Pinky and the Brain

New avatar starring the duo Pinky and the Brain.
“Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?The same thing we do every night, Pinky.
Try to take over the world”.


New avatar, this time the villain from the Masters’s spin-off Shera, Hordak.
This avatar is in the pipeline for long time, I have always postponed doing
anything else but since I’m a big fan of the Masters I wanted to do it to
finish the avatars dedicated to cartoon and also because, in the original
project of the game as you can see in the mugen master’s credits,
Hordak and Shera should have been two more characters in the game,
but they were never released.

New logo and new mascot

After a long time I decided to put my hand to the site’s logo.
I always liked Marvin the Martian, but I wanted to create something original made by me.
So I decided to reinvent the old Lightkeeper logo that consisted of a living armor, a
modification of Krauser’s old character from kof98 with knitted pieces and a black hood that
was supposed to be a character of an old project by The Supremes, my old mugen team.
As a lover of classical history I tried to recreate the old armor linothorax and equipment used
by soldiers of Alexander the Great, only the lance has been modified making it richer in details.
Then I had a breakthrough, since I do everything with Windows Paint
(because of this Macgyver approves the site)
I told myself: “what if I used the logo of paint, palette and brush, instead of shield and spear? “.
Besides, it would also give the idea of ​​a character attached to the past design style and I like it.
I put both versions.

Cat’s Eye

New avatar starring the three sisters of the Cat’s Eye anime.

Other minor tweaks:

– redo the Vegeta boots